Of Crutches and Ultimatums
First off, I must admit that me going to the Boston Marathon is looking more and more unlikely. Until five days ago, I was on the list of selected runners - we have to shortlist people because there are just too many who want to run, and not enough spaces. And then, they realised that a) I was a freshman, and b) bigger seniors were kicking up a fuss because they wouldn't get to run. Don (the PMC coach) was really kind and apologetic about it, and I understand where he's coming from. I don't want to put him in a spot by insisting I run, and I suppose it's all for the best since I'm injured anyways. Final decision on Thursday, because they're submitting the names by end January. We'll see.
Speaking of my injury, Nick (the sports medicine guy) gave me an ultimatum: if the hip still hurts, you're going on 24-hour crutches. Which, needless to say, sucks. I really don't want to go back on crutches, especially considering that Tufts is on a hill and my dorm is on top of aforementioned hill. And, of course, the sports facilities are at the very bottom of said hill.
On the plus side, it's snowing! On the downside, it's snowing! See, snow is a marvellous thing for a tropical hamster like me. Little fluttery snowflakes are the most fascinating thing in the world. However I'll probably only enjoy it for the first foot or so. After that it's likely to be a nuisance. Especially if I have crutches.