Friday, January 19, 2007

Of Injury and Seniority

After my session at the sports trainers, they determined I've pulled my hip flexor. I have no idea how, only that it hurts really bad. So they gave me ice and stim treatment, as well as ultrasound to break up the scar tissue. The result: it hurt like billy-o the next day. Really badly. But I have to keep up the treatment for the rest of the week, and hopefully with the swimming I'm doing I won't regress too badly. It's supremely frustrating to be unable to run, but therein lies the danger I guess - impatience. I have scores of friends who have recurrent injuries due to impatience - in fact, I have a few myself. So there's nothing for it but to wait, I guess.

Yet another frustrating thing - I may not get to run due to me being a lowly freshman (aka grub). Since some of the seniors are on the waitlist, and this is their last year, it's entirely possible that I'll be put on the waitlist so they can take my place. Funds-wise, this isn't a problem - the funds I raised can be used for next years run, if it comes to that. It's just somewhat disappointing, even if I've no problems with the reason. I'm seeing coach today to sort this out, will let everyone know how it goes :)

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