Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Of Podiatrists, Pain, And Perpetual Rain

First off, a big shout-out to Eugene, Aunty Virginia, JJ, TJ and Joe, who have all been wonderful donors :) I loves them very much.

So I haven't been posting much, thanks to a combination of inadvertant saved drafts, hanging laptops and just plain bad luck. In any case, on to more pertinent things, like the amazing weather.

It has been incessantly raining for the past few days, great gouts of it. Perhaps the weather was good for about 3 days, from Saturday to Monday, but after that it has been back to the usual pattern of reclaiming the land by air drop. So evidently, this has not helped the training program much.

What also has not helped the training program is the pain in my hip. After seeing my podiatrist (after a lapse of 5 years), he diagnosed that I have hypersensitive feet, so all those wearing of 4-inch high heels for all those formal dos when I got back was a Bad Idea since that managed to damage some of the nerves in my feet. of course, that meant that when I went running I had to overcompensate for it and as a result, I managed to pull my hip flexor. So running has been relatively out of the question; even walking can be painful. So far all I have been able to do is water running and swim and crunches, which, while still exercise, isn't quite the same. But no worries! I will overcome! Yarr.

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